Monday, April 6, 2009

Didn't think I'd make it...

The last Bite I wrote took me over four months. It's in NY now...

The one I've just 'the end'ed took me a little over three weeks. Got a late start. Egad. Stressfest. But I had a lot of fun writing it.

I sent my pitch in yesterday.

Thanks to Anna for looking over the ms (love her work..), and good luck to everyone who is pitching.

Tired now. Can I go to sleep at two-thirty in the afternoon? Sure I can.

Oh wait, there are small children around who would love to fend for themselves, but probably shouldn't. There was a hair-cutting episode yesterday, that I could have stopped if I hadn't been busy pitching...

We await the finalists who will be announced on April 10th... In the meantime, revisions (and a corrective trip to the hairdresser....)

E x

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