Monday, February 21, 2011
What I'm reading...
Snapshot of today - what I'm reading. Some I picked up recently (SILVER BORNE, in the boring Aus Kindle release cover, so I put the pretty cover up too), some I've had on the burner for a while (especially anthologies). What do you think?
Friday, February 18, 2011
DarkSide DownUnder, What We Are Reading. Pick the chatty one...
Today, at DSDU, Fiona Gregory, Paula Roe, Jess Anastasi and myself are talking about What We Are Reading. And in my case, how I felt about it, the plot, the author, the series and what I ate for lunch Monday week ago.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The R-Bomb
Yesterday was a day of woe -- I received a rejection email for my Bites sub. Then, I ate eight Lindt balls (assorted flavours) before lunch and I felt much better, if a bit wired from all the sugar.
I knew, pretty much, that it was coming (the sub had been in since June last year) but it's always a bit of a blow to actually read it. I have another piece that I'm revising to send in right now, but it would appear that Bites is undergoing a guidelines change. So, I'll have to see where I send it when it's done.
In the meantime, I'll write a synopsis for the rejected one and ship it back out there. No surrender, not while I'm keeping the fires burning on confectioner's sugar!
This week, Friday in fact, I'm reviewing the first book, MOON CALLED, of Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series, at DarkSide DownUnder. I'll link on Friday, otherwise hit the linky button on the right to visit the very awesome DSDU.
And speaking of tax reform, I was approached recently by Suzanne Brandyn to do a member spotlight in the Romance Writers of Australia national monthly publication, HeartsTalk. Wow, exciting! So stay tuned. And no, I won't mention tax reform, because, quite frankly, I find it mind-putrifyingly uninteresting. Sorry!
On facebook, Anna Campbell (you might have heard of Anna, her rep for utter awesomeness precedes her regularly), linked to this article by Kate Cuthbert, that I enjoyed.
In other news, we've got a SARA (South Australian Romance Authors) gathering on tonight, our first for the year. In the break, we've gotten all high tech and built facebook and twitter profiles.
If you'd like to see what we're up to, search for 'SARA - South Australian Romance Authors' on FB (we need a few more members before we can get a URL name) and look for us at, and we're hashtagging (mmm, that might not be a real word) with #SAusRomA.
I knew, pretty much, that it was coming (the sub had been in since June last year) but it's always a bit of a blow to actually read it. I have another piece that I'm revising to send in right now, but it would appear that Bites is undergoing a guidelines change. So, I'll have to see where I send it when it's done.
In the meantime, I'll write a synopsis for the rejected one and ship it back out there. No surrender, not while I'm keeping the fires burning on confectioner's sugar!
This week, Friday in fact, I'm reviewing the first book, MOON CALLED, of Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series, at DarkSide DownUnder. I'll link on Friday, otherwise hit the linky button on the right to visit the very awesome DSDU.
And speaking of tax reform, I was approached recently by Suzanne Brandyn to do a member spotlight in the Romance Writers of Australia national monthly publication, HeartsTalk. Wow, exciting! So stay tuned. And no, I won't mention tax reform, because, quite frankly, I find it mind-putrifyingly uninteresting. Sorry!
On facebook, Anna Campbell (you might have heard of Anna, her rep for utter awesomeness precedes her regularly), linked to this article by Kate Cuthbert, that I enjoyed.
In other news, we've got a SARA (South Australian Romance Authors) gathering on tonight, our first for the year. In the break, we've gotten all high tech and built facebook and twitter profiles.
If you'd like to see what we're up to, search for 'SARA - South Australian Romance Authors' on FB (we need a few more members before we can get a URL name) and look for us at, and we're hashtagging (mmm, that might not be a real word) with #SAusRomA.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Lordy me, that Anna Hackett is a busy one...
One of my talented and awfully good looking critique partners, Anna Hackett, has a new cover for her March Nocturne Bites release, ONE NIGHT WITH THE WOLF.
Now, one of the many perks of having such awesome critique partners, is that I get to read these new releases before they are grown, just little word documents looking for a home. And I gotta tell you, this is one werewolf story you do not want to miss. Anna is the a master of the short story (so much so that she teaches it!), but you'll want to read this for the chase-through-the-forest scene alone, which has become stuff of legend.
And all this while Anna is running her online course and penning a new werewolf story to follow up from this one. Oh, and working a day job.
Can't wait for March!
Emmeline :)
Now, one of the many perks of having such awesome critique partners, is that I get to read these new releases before they are grown, just little word documents looking for a home. And I gotta tell you, this is one werewolf story you do not want to miss. Anna is the a master of the short story (so much so that she teaches it!), but you'll want to read this for the chase-through-the-forest scene alone, which has become stuff of legend.
And all this while Anna is running her online course and penning a new werewolf story to follow up from this one. Oh, and working a day job.
Can't wait for March!
Emmeline :)
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