Tuesday, March 27, 2012

N is for Nothing, or at least Not much.

Guess what I've got for you this week?



It was my birthday at the weekend (I can usually be found shouting that from the rooftops a few weeks prior.  Not sure what happened this year.  Life, I suppose), so I've spent a good part of the week in a flurry of wrapping paper, cheese knives, wine corks and kisses.

It's been marvellous.

There were a number of highlights--Sparky, who may have noted my technology obsession--got me some new gadgetry to play with.  Love it.

Also, I lunched nearby at The Lane, which is a completely gorgeous thing.  Stunning food, beautiful scenery, luscious wines, great company.  I was in heaven.

Here's a teaser pic of my favourite red wine, Reunion Shiraz, off The Lane's website:

Nom nom.  I was lucky enough to try the '09 on Friday.  It was different, but no less lovely.

Since I have nothing for you, how's about I talk about people who have actually done something?

One of my super-fab CP's, Anna, has blogged about Archimedes.

Eleni, one of my SARA buddies, has a very active and dynamic blog at Eleni's Taverna.

If you're still hungry for news, check out the latest SARA News blog.  Compiled by none other than moi.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

M is for Mortified

You all know that Sparky and I adore our children.  Well, he does always, and I do most of  the time.

I suspect because he sees them less, that he isn't as exposed to the circus that is our children on a daily basis.

I found these posters on Flickr.  They're by Nathan Rippenberger, and the collection is titled, "Things I Have Said To My Children."

They are startlingly, scarily accurate.  Except, our giant inflatable penguin is called Mawson, so I used 'Mawson' instead of 'Penguin'.

Also, we don't have a cat door, but we do have a snorkel.  And a cat.  Two, in fact.

It's true, too, I won't hold a conversation with anyone who is naked (there are a few rare exceptions to this rule, but the offspring should be at least partially clothed).

Just YESTERDAY I had to ask Anarchy to stop licking my arm.  I didn't addend, because "that's what weird kids do." but you can bet your bottom I will mention it next time.  

And there WILL be a next time.  

I consider us very lucky, the offspring rarely say inappropriate things in public (Oh, there was a, "Look at that fat lady" that one time in Woolworths...), but how mortified would you be if your children came up with some of these?

Bless our mortifying, hilarious offspring.  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

L is for a Little Link

SARA writing buddy, Eleni Konstantine, is flashing her fiction over at Antipodean SF.

Go and check out her STRANGE BREW.

And because L is also for Laugh, I'll leave you with this:


I love some other people's stuff, and if I use your stuff, I try to tell everyone that it's not my stuff - it's someone else's stuff. But, if I have used some of your copyrighted stuff here and you would like me to remove your stuff, let me know.... It's all for non-commerical use...