Tuesday, April 24, 2012

P is for Pinterest


I'm on Pinterest.  Are you?  

From what I understand, I'm a fairly visual person, so I've been gathering stuff to a board for my current WIP, which is currently (this is the third new title, because I have the attention span of a stick-insect), called Break at the Bend.  

It's about an uptight research scientist called Audrey, a cranky ghost looking for his killer, a dopey Great Dane called Genevieve, an English teacher who has some serious Jude Law going on, and Edie, Audrey's crocheting great-aunt who is conducting dubious business transactions with undesirables at all hours.  

Here are some of the pictures I've collated:

If I were a teacher, this would be hanging in my classroom.

Hot Dog Crochet Coatclassic great daneRED

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I love some other people's stuff, and if I use your stuff, I try to tell everyone that it's not my stuff - it's someone else's stuff. But, if I have used some of your copyrighted stuff here and you would like me to remove your stuff, let me know.... It's all for non-commerical use...