Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Q is for Quiet please. The dogs are reading.

Think about a library.

Go on.

Is the image in your head like this?  If it is, you might like to spend a little more time outside.  

You've probably got an image in your head that looks something like this:

I'll bet my bottom that no-one pictured this:

Caber the Great Dane and her reading buddy, Marissa.  Source: www.whatsonthorold.com

Someone let the dogs out...they're in the library! 

Because, dogs are "non-judgmental listeners."

One of the kids says this about the popularity of the program: “It’s fun because it’s easier to read to dogs than humans. They don’t interrupt, unless they bark because they have to go to the bathroom.”

I'll leave you with that.  I'm off to find the dog and read him some of my work in progress.  Hope he's liberal-minded.  And that he's been to the bathroom.  

So please be quiet.  The canines are reading.  

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