Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lordy me, that Anna Hackett is a busy one...

One of my talented and awfully good looking critique partners, Anna Hackett, has a new cover for her March Nocturne Bites release, ONE NIGHT WITH THE WOLF.

Now, one of the many perks of having such awesome critique partners, is that I get to read these new releases before they are grown, just little word documents looking for a home.  And I gotta tell you, this is one werewolf story you do not want to miss.  Anna is the a master of the short story (so much so that she teaches it!), but you'll want to read this for the chase-through-the-forest scene alone, which has become stuff of legend.

And all this while Anna is running her online course and penning a new werewolf story to follow up from this one.  Oh, and working a day job.

Can't wait for March!

Emmeline  :)

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